Participation options

For all the presentation options you must submit an abstract (or more). Please keep in mind that up to three authored or co-authored abstracts may be submitted per registered conference attendee. The official language of the conference is English. All abstracts should be submitted in English and all presentations should be delivered in English.


As an Author, you have these interactive and extensive participation options to choose from:


  • Poster presentation
  • Paper presentation
  • Workshop
  • Plenum


Information per presentation mode:


Poster presentation


The posters will be displayed on digital screens as .jpg document. Do not prepare printed poster on paper. You will be informed via e-mail upon review and abstract acceptance to follow the instructions for the preparation and upload your digital document for poster presentation. No other option for poster presentations will be available.


Paper presentation


Paper presentation entails an oral presentation of an empirical or a theoretical work within 10 minutes per paper. Paper presentations are followed by a discussion. Thematically similar oral presentations will be grouped within a presentation session. Each presentation session will be facilitated by a member of the Organising Committee.




A highly interactive, 45-minute workshop is a public collaborative session that shows the workshop participants the application of the outcomes of a research or a professional project: a new research or teaching method, an instrument or psychodiagnostic tool or methodology, new educational materials or games, an example of good practice in gifted education, etc. When submitting an abstract of a research or a professional project as a workshop, you will be asked to specify the maximum number of participants per workshop. The workshop abstract is submitted once by the coordinating author of the workshop (the first author).




This is a 60-minute highly interactive presentation option offered to discuss the specific conference topics in more detail. The interactive plenum abstract is submitted once by the coordinating author of the plenum. An interactive plenum has a coordinating (submitting) author. It has at least three experts as discussants from at least three different institutions or countries jointly addressing the same issue or topic. The coordinating author presents the experts, and the plenum thesis, in 10 minutes. Within the next 30 minutes, each expert individually comments on the plenum thesis for a number of minutes shared equally among all the participating experts. The audience is encouraged to join the subsequent 15-minute discussion, facilitated by the coordinating author. In the final 5 minutes, the coordinating author summarizes the reflections on the presentations and the public discussion, identifies the main current concerns, and presents future prospects, leaving the audience with a clear message of the presented interactive plenum.

Please note:

Please keep in mind that, depending on the number of submitted abstracts, the available conference time, and the chosen presentation mode by the rest of the Authors, you may be instructed to prepare your presentation in the mode specified by the Organising Committee and other than submitted.


By attending the 1st Thematic ECHA Conference you have consented to photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by the 1st Thematic ECHA Conference, its sponsors/exhibitors and its affiliates and representatives. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future.