For reviewers

Please note that we use a double blind peer review process. All papers will be sent to two reviewers and, should the paper require some revision, authors will be sent the revised manuscript and asked to modify it according to the requirements of the reviewers. If authors disagree with the reviewers, they will be asked to give reasons for their disagreement. Should the reviewers’ reports contradict one another, a further expert opinion will be sought.


Reviewers should consider the received manuscript within two weeks in a highly responsible, constructive and objective way and warn the editor if they are not sufficiently qualified for the topic of work.


Reviewers are required to review each manuscript as confidential, and to protect the integrity of the author and manuscript.


Reviewers are required to disclose potential conflicts of interest regarding the manuscript that they review, and in case of conflicts of interest, are excluded from the review procedure. It is equally valid for members of the Editorial board who are excluded from the editorial process if they are in conflict of interest (co-operation or other form of relationship with the authors).


A review of the submitted manuscript should be signed by the reviewer at the end of the Review form. Please use the Review form given here.


Authors can write an appeal letter regarding the review process or the decision on the manuscript to the Editor in chief (Željko Rački). In case of repeated appeal, the Editor decides on the basis of a discussion at a meeting of the Editorial board or upon recommendation of an independent adjudicator.


The final decision on a manuscript is made by the Editorial Board.